Be Careful with the Estate Planning

Every now and then Real Estate Attorneys concerned with Commercial Real Estate or Residential Real Estate are requested to prepare the simple Estate Plans. Clients usually refrain from anything complicated, especially if it might lead to higher legal fees. Sadly, what may initially appear to be a simple estate plan is often complicated and if not addressed during the planning process can create nightmares, not only for you but for your heir at some point in the future.Such complications may be hugely detrimental? We all know that both the commercial real estate and the residential real estate have an important place in our lives, so we need to ensure it’s well secured. Also, it needs to be understood that the Estate planning is not only about death planning. What if you are disabled? You may need to have proper documents to enable someone to be able to manage your affairs. There are a number of things that you need to consider when authorizing someone to ...